I have been riding the fence on getting some things started in my life, like this blog for instance. I have been saying for a few years that this year will be the year that I get things off the ground and start posting regularly. Part of my indecision has been around what to focus this blog on – business adventures, certification journey, investments, mentoring, or any other thought that crosses my mind. Well, I have finally decided not to limit myself to a particular topic but to serve all of my interests and separating the areas of concern using tags. Another sticking point was – what did I have to say that would be interesting. After some reflection and introspection, I discovered that it doesn’t matter the more important issue is creating a space for my voice to be heard.
What to expect:
- DevOps
- Software Development
- Technology Training
- Real Estate and Investing
- Entrepreneurship
Technology Training
Real estate and investing